Staying Fit and Healthy During the Holiday Season

Enjoy your holiday season and keep in mind that no one is perfect and that many of us adjust our fitness schedule this time of the year as we work around all the extra activities such as gift shopping, cooking, baking, and socializing. Having a plan in place will help you navigate through this busy time of the year. If you fall off your healthy eating plan and/or your exercise routine – no worries – you can get started back up the next day. The following are some tips on how to stay fit and healthy this holiday season.

Eating Plan:

A healthy eating plan has many benefits to your overall health. This article from MedicalNewsToday discusses all the benefits of nutrient dense foods which include protecting the heart, fueling strong bones and muscles, and disease prevention.

During the holiday season:

  • Take time to plan out your meals and make smart food choices.
  • Enjoy eating reasonable amounts of foods, including special foods during this time of the year. Remember to include all your regular nutritious foods too.
  • Define your treat days and plan out treats. Partake in moderation, paying attention to the limits you set.
  • Have a healthy snack before heading out to a party.


Healthline reminds us of  the top 10 benefits of regular exercise such as building strong muscles and bones, reduce risk of chronic disease, benefits to your brain, improved sleep and more.

During the holiday season:

  • Plan out and schedule your workouts on your calendar – 150 minutes of moderate intensity  or 75 minutes of high intensity exercise per week is what is recommended; mini workouts count! All or nothing mindset is not needed – if you can only fit in a short workout, no worries; try to get up from sitting at least once per hour and perform some movement.
  • Fitting in workouts first thing in the morning ensures you will get in some exercise before your day gets too busy.
  • Trying a new workout indoors when cold weather hits.
  • Get outside – but wear the proper gear. You can even ride a bike in the winter if you have clothing that will keep you warm. Try to time your workout during the sunniest time of the day if possible.


There are many benefits to drinking water throughout the day which Healthline discusses in this article . It is recommended that you drink 64 ounces of water per day (8 glasses x 8 ounces each).

During the holiday season:

  • Drink water throughout the day; if you are thirsty your body might confuse that with being hungry.
  • Drink water before eating a meal.
  • Moderate your intake of alcohol and caffeine.


Sleep is important to our health. MedicalNewsToday stated in this article that “sleep is essential for optimal health and well-being. It’s best to remember that your sleep is still important during this busy time of the year.

During the holiday season:

  • Adjust your schedule to ensure that you get enough sleep.


Everyday Health describes self-care in this article as “taking care of yourself so that you can be healthy, you can be well, you can do your job, you can help care for others, and you can do all the things you need to and want to accomplish in a day.”

During the holiday season:

  • Carve out some time each day to focus on self-care which will help relieve stress.
  • Some ideas for self-care are the following: get a massage; go for a walk; read a book; listen to music; create some art. These are just a few ideas.

Stress management:

Stress is a part of life. When our lives get busier stress can increase – this is a time to include stress management.

Some ways to manage stress during the holiday season:

  • Exercise
  • Healthy eating
  • Meditating, Yoga, deep breathing, and other relaxing activities
  • Spend time with friends and family
  • Get enough sleep

    Have a Happy Holiday Season and a Happy and Healthy New Year!